This is one of the best PSP games on the market.
User Rating: 9 | Field Commander PSP
I became interested in this game because I heard that it was the PSP equivalent of Advance Wars Dual Strike on the Nintendo DS, a game that I feel is the best game on the Nintendo DS. When I started playing this game, I realized that this game was better than Advance Wars Dual Strike. The more I played it, the more I loved it. I would recommend this game to anybody that buys a PSP, anyone that doesn't own a PSP, random guys on the street, anyone, anytime, anywhere. The campaign mode does get a little hard near the end, but if it didn't it wouldn't be worth it. I can't speak about the mulitplayer modes, but that a problem with me. I'm sure that, just like all the other modes, the multiplayer is a great gaming experience.