Easy to learn, and enjoyable to play. The campaign story is long and multiplayer guarantees high re-play value.

User Rating: 9.8 | Field Commander PSP
Finally another great strategy game for the PSP. This game is an excellent asset to the PSP's library, and will give you hours and hours of game play that is basically unlimited with the multiplayer time you can put in. Load times are fast, and there aren't any game play issues.

Starting with game play, the game is very easy to control. The commands are straight-forward, and there's really no confusion as to what you are supposed to do. The tutorials you go through prior to starting the campaign help out a lot, and take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes depending on how you play. The tutorials cover all the essential commands you will need to know in order to successfully function in the battlefield. They're easy to understand while at the same time they don't bore you to death with constant talking; there's plenty of "hands-on" experience with the tutorial so that you easily learn how things work. The campaign has a very good storyline to it and it provides some cool missions that don't simply involve "destroy the enemy". They're more involved than this, and sometimes deal with hostage rescues to capturing certain enemy buildings; it's a very diverse kind of strategy game.

The graphics on Field Commander are very good. The overall look of the game looks clean, and when the camera zooms in to indicate an attack is being placed, you really see the detail. From rocks, weeds, and bushes the detail is pretty impressive once it zooms in. The water effects are good too as it seems to have a flow to it and small waves are constant in the lakes and rivers, rather than it just looking artificial and still. Explosions also look great in this game, and contain a good amount of detail as well.

Sounds on this game are impressive (assuming that you are using your PSP headphones while playing the game to get the full experience - as with any game). From bullets ricocheting off of metal tank armor to huge explosions when a missile from a chopper hits a ground target, the sounds are clean and realistic. Every vehicle has its own unique engine sound too, which adds to the realism.

Field Commander also provides MANY different options for multiplayer. This isn't your typical "ad-hoc or infrastructure" choices. Field Commander allows you to play: ad-hoc, infrastructure, hot-swap (where 2 people play on the same PSP, and exchange the PSP whenever it is the other player's turn), and transmission mode (where you setup a game, make a move, and e-mail it to your opponent. They make their move, and email it back to you). The various multiplayer options give this game a great long-lasting re-play value.

It is also worth mentioning that this game's instruction manual is very good too. Everything is clear and easy to understand and any questions you may have are answered in the manual. There is nothing left to be desired with this as they made sure and included definitions and instructions for every aspect of the game.

The AI on Field Commander is actually quite smart. Between each move they make, there is a "Deploying units" bar that fills up indicating the system is calculating its next move. Loading times between each move you ask, that's gotta take a long time...Actually, it doesn't. The "Deploying units" really can't be classified as a loading session because in-between each move it only takes 1-2 seconds to calculate. The total time the AI usually spends taking its entire turn (meaning the time until you get to make your moves again) is about 15-20 seconds, and then it's back to your turn again.

Overall, Field Commander is a great experience - made even better seeing as it's on the PSP. From the clean looking graphics on the PSP's beautiful LCD screen to the action packed battles that leave you tense with concentration on what your next move will be, Field Commander lives up to the hype, and should definitely be considered by anyone interested in a solid turn-based strategy game.