I've played this. It was called Advance Wars!!!
I was really hoping for something beyond a dumbed down rock/paper/scissors turn based bored game (no, actually I didn't spell it wrong).
First off, I've played it before... yeah, it was fun a few years ago. But now I've already been there, done that; TWICE! It was called "Advance Wars" and then "Advance Wars 2" for heaven sake! ...and sadly those still seem better than this.
I was really hoping for a good turn based strategy game. Perhaps something in the realm of Jagged Alliance or X-Com. Instead, I get a totally boring third look at Advance Wars. Thankfully I've got the BB game pass so I just checked it out for a couple days, played like 2 missions and swapped it out for.. well.. for anything.
It's really sad to see hardware like this subjected to such drivel. I mean c'mon a square grid map? At least jazz it up with some hexes or something. I really expected better.
Don't waste your money...