like all free MMORPG's nothing is origional just new names but its been copied because this is a good game idea :)
Now before I tell you about the game you need to consider whether its charging format fits you. Now in order to keep a MMORPG online the producers need to make money somehow. THIS is extremely important to all users as you probably want to pick a game which will allow you to have the most fun without actually paying for it. There are several different methods that these producers use to make their money. For example: the most well know 'pay per month' as found in games such as runescape or world of warcraft.
Fiesta runs off of a format which offers most of the game for free but for a few items which you can buy using REAL money.
The brilliant thing is that so far outspark (producers) have failed to do what most other businesses have, for example, on the game Rappelz the people who run it (gpotato) have incorporated methods which decrease level building via a stamina bar - this can be replenished by sitting down in a city for several hours OR you could quickly replenish your stamina thus improving level building by purchasing an item with REAL money.
This means that it is nearly inevitable that you will have to spend money sooner or later
HOWEVER as I said Outspark have failed to do such a this yet - thus it is TOO EASY TO PLAY FOR FREE!!!
NOW to the game
The graphics are 3D, cartoony-ish, and personally remind me a little of manga. They are simple enough to lower lag - which is a problem on many MMORPG's and to be honest they look as though they are intended to be very cute!!!
You start by creating your character and selecting a job -fighter,archer,cleric,mage - im sure you can guess what they each entail. Although level building is a little difficult and there is a lack of a tutorial unit or avid explanation as to how much of the game works it is possible to play it and it doesn't take long before you understand most of it. You take on quests and complete them, they tend to be about collecting items/killing monsters and are quite limited by this. There is an interesting pallet of skills, active tend to be spells or attacks, passive are permanent buffs and the alchemy skills are where you get to become more individual in your character. You choose from a range of abilities however you may only choose two so you will have to consider your choices carefully.
as this game was only released in English in November the member count is LOW at the moment meaning that there is little or no lag at all times!!!!
as this game originally was in a different language this is quite important - the translation isn't 100% accurate but this isn't to the extent that you don't understand what the npcs mean and it is certainly doesn't cause any difficulties only occasional smiles :)
So that's about it - um in my opinion of all of the free MMORPG's I have tried this is the least limiting that's why i am giving it a lovely score of 8.5!