Fun and Challenging.
The story for this game is yet to be completed. Also i have not read it yet completely. But from what i did read the story actually seems to be solid. Of course being an online game means that the story is only implemented in the quest and not the game itself. As such Ratiing it on a system and thinking about other MMORPGS i've played such as City of Heroes the story is not very compelling but not really needed. I'll Give it a 8/10 For at least attempting to make a story and implementing it in the game.
The controls are relatively easy. There quick to learn and quick to master. With hotkeys easy to be set and a Friendly scheme to both those new to the game and those who have been playing for a long time. The game can be run off the WASD keys or just use the mouse to point and click on whatever needed. With this simple yet good scheme im goign to give the controls 10/10.
I normally turn off sound for Games like this and use my own because its just midi. The music is just like any other music Repetative. The sounds i like but not the best. MMORPGS just dont make the cut when it comes down to it. Especialy free MMORPGS. But for attempting to do music as well as Sounds im going to give the Sound a 6/10.
Fun Factor:
Like any Online game there are several things that factor in while deciding the fun factoer of games. A big one being Interaction with people and how they react back to you. I have had both good and bad moments with this. Sometimes being a polite fun talkative person where as others believe you shouldnt even be speaking. Another is for online games the addiction factor. To much is bad. To little is bad. This game seems to have that right amount where if you want to quit its easy but if you wanna play you can. Now the third is bots. Whats the point in playing if no one else plays. Also spam bots telling you to buy things that you dont need offline. This game has that bad. With the spam bots dropping ti down im going to have to give Fun factor a 7/10. Stupid spam bots.
All in all the game is fun its a free download and free to play why not give it a try and choose for yourself. The worst that could happen is you dont like it and have to download it off your Hard Drive.