It's all I want in a sit down and play game; instant fun!!! The game's worth playing even when you just tank lower level players around for fun. The bright colorful world made me dizzy when I started compared to platform games like Final Fantasy. The game-play rivals that of some of the better games I've played (sorry, it just doesn't size up to Halo 3 yet). The story is needing of improvement, but you don't need to just do quests all the time to have fun. Overall it's one of the games you could pick up and play for a long time it'll please kids and adults alike with it's funny, yet sometimes crude, NPC dialog, the funny little houses, and the people it attracts. I'll be playing for a REALLY long time and I hope all the people that play agree with me.
P.S. Life gets really easy when someone gives you a vital up spell.
This is a VERY fun MMORPG, there is a lot you can pick from, and the cash shop is great! You can get many items to customize your character and be unique and also items that help you in game. The gaming community is quit... Read Full Review
I found this game worth checking out. It starts off pretty slow but easy to level. The quest like in all M.M.O.'s arnt exacly worth it at the begining but later on are. The concept of the Kingdom Quest is very catchy. 10... Read Full Review