There are somethings that can be over looked in this game and surprisingly Konami doesn't even come close.
The Realism of the game is so profound and straight forward and to the point that you have to check it out not matter what type of soccer games you like to watch or play.
Winning Eleven devotees should know for a long time now this soccer game has grown up a lot and showed some really fantastic moments and it has had its ups and downs like any normal game for that I love the Fifa Franchise. For one Winning Eleven this year has not changed its gameplay pattern is not even brave enough to try something new like FIFA which next years installment is going to be a lot of promise.
When playing FIFA compared to Winning Eleven one of the biggest differences is the sound and unique soundtrack that has attracted gamers far and wide. It makes Winning Eleven's sound like a dubbed record. Who puts rock music in widely International and one of the most popular sports in the World look lame and stupid. Lazy Konami can't unique tracks to put on their soccer game.
Gameplay thanks to some of the ball control and easy to control on the fly tactics that let you do just more than control the pace of the game but also put another element in play realism and uniqueness sounds like something Konami needs to look at a little bit more, it is now difficult to score a goal a lot more challenging sometimes frustrating, and intense gameplay.
Although the graphics have not change i still think that some of the players look like their real counterparts and can recognizable with some help (LOL). Easily this has a lot of replay value and you will continue to play it for a long time to come because there is so much to and so little not to do unlockables and different elements make tempting choice to play thats the game of FIFA