Finally a change for the better!

User Rating: 8.4 | FIFA Soccer 06 PC
This years Fifa 06 has seems like an improvement finally. I've played all Fifa games from Fifa 98 onwards and to be honest I still have Fifa 2002 as the one I had most fun with. I rarely play the game on my own, most of the time there's at least a couple of friends and we play games and tournaments.

For me and the whole fun part, the everything from Fifa 2003 until this release was really not playable. So as a result Winning Eleven & Pro Evolution became very popular in soccer playing world. But this release has really stepped up. On the more obvious side, a lot of the controls have been taken from the Pro Evolution series, and the gameplay has really stepped up.

The graphics are good, but then again i've always been one of those people who would sacrifice graphics for gameplay. No need for this release.

The sound is on a high level which is expected from EA, so no surprises there.

The game will give you a lot of standard playing modes (friendly, tournaments, leagues) and a career one which has managed to get me involved for some time, on my own.

This release has again become a game which I played with my friends and a step in the right direction.

I am sure you will enjoy it if you like fast paced football!