Quantity over quality.
Then i entered a game.
Game pace is very slow, and players animation are on fast forward. This just doesn't look natural. It looks a lot like WI7-8-9 on this point. Shots that are meant to be powerful looks absolutely innofensive (ball movement is very slow for shots, but for pass it is ok). The fact that the ball is moving on a shot as fast as a pass, you don't feel like you did a power shot. I mean you don't get really into what you see. FIFA 2005 was better on that point, in my opinion.
Beside that, AI is great. Still, scoring is a bit easy on the default settings. You have more chances (in my opinion) to hit the ball with a volley and score a goal than you had in 2005. Well, goaler doesn't help too since they are a bit lazy. Playing on hard settings is not the samething, be sure to be a great player.
Actions are well done. Lob is one of the best improvement on gameplay. It's easier to lob to another player. Corner and freekicks have been improved too. More scenarios are possible since you don't have, for example, only 3 choices on corners. You aim, and you try to get what you planned.
In overall, the game is awesome and «fair» at the same time. The visual aspect (lack of natural-like movement) don't get you too addicted to the game. It's awesome for all the new features. You will spend probably more time off the stadium. So much innovation on this side, i can just say WOW !