To me FIFA 06 looks & plays like a poor version of PES 3, but for some strange reason it's bloody fun to play.

User Rating: 7.5 | FIFA Soccer 06 XBOX
I so much wanted to write what a great game FIFA 06 is BUT after playing it for 4 days solid on & offline I'm afraid the inexcusable & annoying technical glitches, coupled with the uninspiring gameplay & player presentation, doesn't allow me to.

To me FIFA 06 looks & plays like a poor version of PES 3.

Now, if you're booing & hissing over my above statement then you're either a FIFA Fanboy OR you obviously don't have the game. Those of you who are a bit more open minded &/or have the game, would agree that EA haven't improved where it matters most, on the field.

EA's intentions were all good as it's obvious that they've been inspired by Konami's renowned gameplay mechanics but it's their implementation that has let them down. Instead you're left with a game were every player looks, plays & acts the same. But more of that later.

Firstly, the inexcusable & annoying technical glitches.

Slow down (stutter) - Unbelievable, whoever signed-off on this @ EA should be ashamed of themselves. This is unheard of in this day & age & for it to appear on the Xbox is mind blowing. It's almost as if the current gen console can't cope with the no. of sprites!

Through balls don't always go to the intended player - Passing to a player up-field can result in the ball only travelling a couple of meters. You'll know exactly what I mean when you play the game.

Gamplay - Uninspiring, robotic, stiff.

1. Can't even approach/cover an opponent during a goal kick. How lame is that.

2. Can't customise formations or reposition players around the field. EA, it's about time we can!!

3. Player attributes don't reflect on the field, & if they do then someone please prove to me that I'm wrong! i.e. they all seem to run at the same pace (or very close too) kick, pass, etc etc

4. Too easy to score headers.

Game Interface Presentation - GREAT

The menus look great and are of the high standard that you'd expect from EA. Pleasure to look @ & easy to navigate .

Player Representation/Presentation - poor, lacks star player individuality/personality/character.

While I personally like the shinny effect of the players & the way they generally appear on the field, everything else about them is very poor.

Players on field animations are all the same, no uniqueness, character given to star players.

Players physiques are all the same! If it wasn't for the commentators then you wouldn't know whos who!!

Player animations do not flow from one to the other as you'd expect them to - especially noticeable when you use the "slow down" button (black button).

Player faces are very poor eg Crespo, Beckham OMG!!!!!!

Sound - Ok

EA sound tracks - love the music.

The crowd doesn't get excited though when you kick a goal, home or away!!!

Online - GREAT

Love it, great interface & very functional. Only improvement would be that it's not as obvious as last year to see that you've got a game request.

Lag free within one's own country. Solid, robust.

The Icing On The Cake (Management Mode, Unlockables etc etc) - GREAT

All the bells & whistles are there as well as a huge section of unlockables. A lot to keep one busy.

I'm not going to go into detail on this topic because for me the real enjoyment comes from controlling those little men on the field. Unfortunately FIFA 06 falls well short of my expectations which is a shame as I was really hoping to have some fun with it this year.

