Some bugs, but the best in series.

User Rating: 8.7 | FIFA Soccer 06 PC
After deception in Fifa 2005 because of its lots of errors, Fifa 2006 come to satisfy me down with a good gameplay, graphics, soundtracks,etc.
I´ve realized that F2005 was a rough of F2006, that´s not good. I prefer to wait 2 years playing a good game than having a game in half of development, like Fifa 2005 was.
Fifa 2006 is much better, better graphically, a lot better in manager mode and significantly better in "extras".
There still are some bugs, maybe most of them are graphical bugs, like the reserve bench....some times is there...sometimes not...sometimes reserve is there...most times not. Also once happened that the ball didn´t passed through the goal, and guess what...yes, it was goal. Another bug: the referees most times have similar cloth colors to one of the teams. STUPID BUGS.

Just play and have fun.