Is This the Season? Let's see...

User Rating: 9 | FIFA 07 Soccer PC
Yet another soccer game from EA! This time, its huge! Lot more Teams (Clubs) and new features as well! You can create Club teams and design Uniform as well as the team logo! First time ever PC has the Blurry Motion in Cut-Scenes as in Consoles! As usual... PC has much better Graphics compared to current-gen consoles!

EA has produced much more realistic features this time to be prepared and compete their Rivals in Soccer games - PES! There are 2 main new feature by EA in this Game!

1) L1 + L2 Feature: This feature help in shooting the Ball with kinds of spinning it! Helps in much situations!
2) Much like PES series, the player can move around while the ball is in the air. A marker is shown where the ball is going to be land!

Overall, the game is superb and every Soccer lover has to own it!