User Rating: 8.9 | FIFA 07 Soccer PS2
I got this game about 3 months ago. I have to say this outplays any other soccer game franchise. Now to get into the main part of the review; I will first start out with gameplay. You can choose from many different modes to play the game consisting of: tournament mode, manager mode, and kick off (quick game). Tournament mode is just as is sounds (they all are really) its a Tournament. Manager mode is when you can control a team (budget, who plays and who doesnt, everything really) the only thing thats a litle nagging about manager mode is when game time comes you are not able to actually see the game being played. You have to read it as it is happening (which can get a little annoying). Kick off as i've said is just quick play. Next is the graphics. For ps2 (which i have it for) the graphics are pretty amazing and that pretty much it about graphics and also the sound is superb as well. Finnaly is the single and multi play. The single player (on any mode) can get a ittle tough if you are not very experienced. While multi play depending on your opponent is questionable. Unfortunately i was not able to play this game online. I've been playing soccer for a while (in real life) and after playing this game im surprised how realistic it is (the characters do the right movements, line up right, ect.). If you want a great soccer sim this is an awesome title to get.