fifa 08 is awful
i am one that usually isnt bothered about kits and such, i bought fifa 07 about six months ago as i grew tired of a lasey pes 6 360 conversion, and it was good, it was makin progress.
but in the heat of a match it is just too slow, im not talkin about the pace of the game, im talkin the length of time for the computer to regognise you have pressed a button, for exemple, i cross a ball in, it takes a diflection and runs towards my player, i hit shoot, the player takes a touch.... A TOUCH PEOPLE.... we are in the six yard box here and i want him to just shhot, and almost everytime he takes a touch and is then tackled. not good.
and that is about it, i thought fifa was makin progress, but i was wrong, for me it has gone backwards.