I would have given the game at least a 9 like gamespot ,if "they had not changed the gameplay from what the demo was showing". The demo version's difficulty level for professional was awesome, it was just right. Once I purchased the final version, the AI'S "defense's" went absolutely "terminator" on me. I played the "DEMO" to death before I made up my mind to buy. If they would have left the gameplay the same as Demo, It would have been perfect. Now you have to completely re-think how you play. It is almost like they are forcing you to shoot from the outside with long finesse shots or try your luck at "crosses" (in which I suck at). I purchased FIFA 15 just to see whether the DEMO was different and found there was "no" difference from DEMO's difficulty to final product. I hate to say it but FIFA 15's gameplay is a lot less frustrating on professional mode. The graphics on FIFA 16 are really god, but you have to still have fun - less frustrating gameplay to make the product worth it. I mean I understand that you want the game to more realistic, but come on EA... bring back the FUN FACTOR, all of us not sitting around at home for 12+ hours day practicing like some of the elite players out on the web. But overall, it is a good game.
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