Absolutely pathetic. That's all that can be said about this latest queef that EA has spewed into the public domain.
Don't get me wrong. I love FIFA. At least I try to love FIFA year on year. It's just been so hard since about FIFA 17.
I'll start with what I like about the new FIFA. Such as the enhancements to the player career mode, and the impressiveness they have attempted to bring there... That's really about it.
The game is overall a mess. I had to delve into my f*&$king BIOS settings to even get the game to run in the first place. Like honestly, what the f&%k we're you thinking with that EA. Anyone slightly less than tech savvy is going to be unable to play the game. What a poor business decision. Secondly, the gameplay is just rubbish. Again referring to player career mode, the AI is an impatient, moronic pile of garbage that tried to play tiki taka football in each and every F*&^KING scenario possible. Try to start a run from a few yards behind the opposition defence? Guess what, you've got the ball at your feet before you've made it two paces. Try and beat the line? The pass goes right to the defender. Not to mention any non gameplay, or replay animations seem to be locked to some 30-60 FPD limit, so if you are running at a higher fps on your game, every time it cuts to a pregame or post game animation, or a replay mid game, it looks janky and pathetic. It's ABYSMAL. Like did anyone from EA actually play test this on more than a 30FPS monitor?
This game is practically unplayable if you can get it working, and LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE if you don't know how to edit BIOS settings. I'm honestly glad this is the last EA version of FIFA. They have simply given up and an indie dev would do a better job of creating an engaging, functional football game than this supposedly AAA company. All I can really say is, save your money. Just keep playing 22, which was kinda alright. EA are a money grubbing shit-heap of developers who couldn't graduate a highschool coding class. I hope the company dies a prompt and undignified death ASAP.
You want the biggest proof that you don't need this game. It's been out a week and this is the first review. That says it all really. No one is even playing it. It's a waste of your money. I wouldn't play this game for free.