Fortunatelly, you're not forced into watching every single game in 3D.

User Rating: 8.5 | FIFA Manager 08 PC
FIFA Manager 08 is, in my opinion, way better than its competition. The games are less random, the gameplay is more engaging, the graphics are noticeably better... it has a vast database of teams, badges, players and uniforms, up-to-date lineups, realistic atmosphere. It would be the perfect football manager if it hadn't a few flaws:

First of all, the biggest differential between FIFAM an FM is the 3D viewer: well, it stinks. It really sucks. It's almost impossible to control the player you're supposed to control with the ball for more than 2 seconds. If you choose to control a striker, well, you won't be shooting unless you wait the ball a few feet from the goal. Not to mention the AI itself. It's the dumbest AI a football game ever showed. The player's passing ability is so damn stupid that most attacks end up with a at least 5-meter missed pass. When your team finally manage to shoot, it will probably go nearer to the corner flag than the goal. Defending is no good also: players just give up tackling, make an absurd fault, shoot the ball to the stands with no one actually pressing them (or even receive the ball after a throw in and actually head the ball back outfield).

Luckily you may skip this mess and watch the games with the traditional Text Mode, which works way better.

Another frustrating flaw, mostly to South Americans like me, is the poor SA championships: Argentinian Football has at most 5 complete teams, with real badges, uniforms and players. Brazilian is a little better: EA managed to include Serie B, with real teams and all (Fluminense and Internacional didn't sell their licenses and those teams are actually called 'Flu. Rio' and "Inter. Porto Alegre"). But, brilliantly, they seemed to forget anything like promotion and relegation. So a Serie B team will always be a Serie B team.

To that, there is a painful solution: you can edit the whole database of the game, which I did, adding this promotion/relegation rule, updating the squads to new year's rosters and trying to make something at least near Fluminense's uniforms.

Conclusion: it's a solid game, with forgivable flaws. I bought and recommend.