Absolute Billiant game
This game is addictive, complex enough to ensure that you will be playing it for along time (not like some games you clock withing 24h ... Halo 3 ... and then leave it on the stand). I can see myself playing this for the next 5 years.... or at least till the next version becomes available.
Initially it can be a bit confusing to get the hang of the game. The manual is no help at all there is a help in game but REAL MEN DON'T USE HELP :).
After getting used to all the screens and thier uses I simply cannot see any better way they could do it. Then you are allowed to play a single player on match day giving you the unique feeling of realism. Most football games allow you to control any player that has control of the game but not this one. It is great to make sure your players is in the right position while the ball is nowhere near him it gives you a sense of realism I have yet to see in any other sport game.
Well I'm off to try and avoid relegation now.