The turning point has been reached, where the balnce of the scales tips towards EA.
User Rating: 9 | FIFA 09: World Class Soccer PS3
FIFA 09 is not a surprise. It is surprisingly good. Since FIFA 06 we all witness some changes towards realistic gameplay, now nearing even more perfection with this year's edition. Multiple and original single player modes, unrivalled online play and glamorous presentation. In one setting. Football at its best. With PES starting to make its own downfall, one can believe that we are at the very doorstep of significant changes in footbal sims, boosting simulation and fun to new levels of experience. With unparalleled graphics, almost lifelike sound and the deepest gameplay ever in the FIFA series, EA's presentation of the king of all sports is the closest to the real thing. A football stadium in your living room. Whole seasons of the above experience with your favourite team, with your arch rival friends Enjoy!