For 3 years Fifa had at last has some improvements on the online patch up or forms updates. HOwever, the online rating.

User Rating: 7 | FIFA Soccer 09 PC
For 3 years Fifa had at last has some improvements on the online patch up or forms updates. HOwever, the online rating and points systems are disatrous after 3 years. I draw a game online, result awarded is a lost. Another time, I won and I was awarded a lose and my ranking keep dropping even if I win fustrating. Worst, other matches when I won, not recorded. When I lose it records. Only some matches I won is recorded. Frustrating. Each year hoping for a better experience but ...

More improvements needs to be done to the online engine. The standalone game is still not too bad with several options. career ,a player tournaments and so on..

To make it better to improve my rating, they better improve the online system fast.

Much more is needed.

Let wait and see for a patch to solve these issues. Hope they get working on it.