The best Fifa ever...but still a little lost...

User Rating: 7 | FIFA Soccer 09 PC
Better game mechanics...licenses, variety of modes...presentation details...

Gameplay is best ever for Fifa...but still inferior to PES...not very responsive players...being slow and clumsy doesn't make it more realistic in my book

Fifa has always sucked in comparison to PES, but this year 09 really impressed in several ways. However after a while of playing it many flaws seemed to appear, for instance little things like no league table in the be a pro mode. Most importantly the gameplay although an improvement on previous still not as good as PES. It may now be in the same league as PES but it is still mid table whereas PES is fighting for the title.

After 2 weeks I have uninstalled this game from my computer, don't get me wrong it isn't a bad game but Pro Evo is coming out and it would take a miracle for it not to be a much much better game.