Best PC football to date , though still hasn't reached the level of the Xbxo360 and PS3 .
Too bad that talk goes to the consoles only . The PC version of FIFA had the same graphics since 2004 and the improvement get minor each year , all this has changed now ......with the release of FIFA 09 .
From the moment you start you're first match in FIFA 09 you see that EA's PC developers have done a hard work to improve this game ; the graphics have been gradually updated although its still not as good as the console version but its certainly getting there .
The audio is solid can hear the crowds getting excited and the ball hitting the goal keeper's hands and it all sounds very realistic with the addition of the great commentary
The controls are the most shining aspects of FIFA 09 , adding the mouse and keyboard combo is an addition that FIFA needed for a long time , as soon as you get your hands on that mouse and move the players with the "W,A,S,D" you will fell like soccer can't get any better than this !
Fifa has never failed with making a good presentations and this is no difference , every team is licensed , every player looks scary real and every online mood is more fun then the other . The big new addition here is the Adidas live season ; which allows you to update you're player status game by game making the experience more realistic and fun .
Fifa has been quit disappointing in the few back years but now it all has changed , FIFA 09 has brought back the FIFA series into PC and I can't see how PES can overcome them this year