More like the championship of gaming rather then the premier league.

User Rating: 7.5 | FIFA 09: All-Play WII
Well here we are...another year and wow shock and horror yet another fifa game, (Fifa 2010, already in development one would guess). While very different to the PS3 and Xbox360 versions this game can still hold its own...barley

Now as for the game itself, well gone is the goal to goal view and back in is the length view, making Fifa 09 much more playable, with the added option of being able to use the gamecube or classic controller it makes the game more easily available to gamers who were turned off by the awful motion controls. So how does it play? were good, just you expect it would. Simple passing and shooting abilities make it one of the most enjoyable Fifa games in recent years, but this is were the joy ends. To say this game looks dated would be an understatement, while the stadiums and pitches all look good, the player models are no different then those of Fifa07 on the gamecube, in fact the Fifa07 game looks and plays much better then this version of game.

Now while all the game features you would expect are back such as full licensed teams and leagues and manager mode some new additions have been made. The first of these would be the new 8 vs 8 Footii Match Mini-Game:
Play 8 vs. 8 in a completely unique mode where you can play an arcade version of football with the focus on fun. Populate your team with your Mii characters captained by one of our FIFA 09 cover athletes created as customized characters. Make outrageous shots and steal the ball by simply waving your Wii Remote. while it sounds like fun and can hold your attention for about an hour...developers have to start to realize that gamers are getting sick and tired of seeing Miis thrown into games as a cheep ploy to sell them.
Another new feature is the improved online abilities such as interactive leagues, were you pick a team and play matches against others. If your team can get more wins over the opposition then you get the over all win and climb the interactive table, now while this sounds doesn't work, go online and shockingly the top clubs in the world (man utd, Chelsea, Barcelona, AC, Inter, etc...) are all taken up meaning its almost impossible to get an opponent if you chose a mid to lower table team.

And as for online single player? well it works well in principle but fails on several levels making it frustrating and very trying at times. The first thing you will notice is that after choosing your team and kit (which is all you can do) you are then thrown right away into the game, never given the chance to change tactics or swamp players around, in fact only when you have the ball in your possession can you make any changes, and then only for a few times, meaning enter the game menu while playing online to many times...and it stops you from using it, i mean whoever thought it a good idea to not let you chose your players and tactics before a match and then limit the amount to time/actions on making changes in game made a HUGE mistake. Also get ready for the other play to "disconnect" (i.e turn off their console) when ever they let in a goal or are losing, now while this problem as be addressed on the official EA forums, it seems unlikely they will do anything about it at all, so get ready to be disconnected whenever you are winning or a goal up, leading to much frustration.

While better then Fifa08 this game is still lacking a lot of things, no player creation or editor mode, tacky use of Mii's and dated graphics means that while a vast improvement over the Fifa08...this is still a miss then a hit.