Despiste all the bugs that I'm almost sure they are going to be fixed, this is far the best Football Simulator.

User Rating: 8 | FIFA 09: World Class Soccer PS3
There is always the "fight" between FIFA and PES and each fanboy defends it's game, well, I'm here, I'm no fanboy because I prefer to play the best game and not the game that is said to be the best. I remember that the first football game I've ever played was Italia 90 and I loved it and I think that is quite a game for the time that was developed, some years later I put my hands on Fifa 98 and GOD, it was a incredibly highly addictive game, I loved it! The life continues, and it comes Fifa 99 and bla bla... .... ... Then I get my hands on Pro Evolution and jesus, what the hell is FIFA, it's crap! And it continued to this year...and this year what is Pro Evolution 2009? it's crap! Fifa is a great game, hard to score a goal if you play with low-skilled player, the players and the tactics and all the flux of the game it's just great, that makes you really happy when you score a goal. And the multiplayer is cool too, you have leagues, you have the great 10 on 10 mode that is reeeeally fun, you have the normal matches 1on1 on multiplayer too, but I warn you, it can be quite frustrating, I have put my hands on some dirty players, damn!! The Graphics are good too, the soundtrack is really cool and I just have to blame they put Ronaldinho's teeth in the first screen of the game, we have to see that shiny horsie teeth every time we enter in the game.

Now, let's talk about the bad things....the bugs....jeeeesus, the game is sooooooo buggy, I can't believe! PES 2008 was a damn buggy game but FIFA knocks down PES 2008 in that parameter. You can't play an entire match without seeing at least 1-2 bugs... I hope that the "It's in a game" boys are already working on a patch because the game needs one urgently!!