I really don´t understand how people can enjoy playing a game that is nothing like real football at all. Players positioning is poor, the runs they make are pathetic, the goalie rushes out like a snail, "through ball" - well might not as well have that option as it pretty much goes to the opposition or out of play every time you attempt one. The best bit is conceding from a free kick just outside the area 9 out of 10 times, so frustrating, and what tosser programmer decided that 9 out of 10 free kicks should go in??? Ridiculous game. Oh, and Andy Gray as a commentator on this is bloody annoying too. Graphics are OK, but no improvement on last year´s game. Music decent as usual, but i want the gameplay to be good and it just isn´t. Too many menus, pointless really.
So yeah, everybody knows that fifa on pc since 06 just suck, so when EA told us that 09 would be "next-gen" with new graphics and new gameplay we all went nuts... I'm afraid to say that EA talks crap the gameplay may be ... Read Full Review
Damn! I don`t know why they love FIFA 09. The gameplay suck big time. Ref. just running around like an idiot. Linesman also stupid. Don`t know how to use the flags. Also the advantage feat. why the advantage feat. is so ... Read Full Review