Gameplay better than 08 but there is still room for improvement.

User Rating: 9 | FIFA 09: World Class Soccer PS3
I thought this one was better than its predecessor, that being said, there are still some ball passing going astray. The tricks are very hard to do unless you're playing with a one star team, you don't have enough time to execute tricks. What i like about this game is the players move way better than 08 specially when moving diagonally, i like the way they improved the audio and shooting the ball now looks more real and faster. The referee decision is horrible at some point, i got tackled from behind but i managed to pass the ball before i got tackled but the receiving player was offside and the referee gave an offside foul instead of foul to me with a yellow card. But over all i'm content and happy. I'm so anxious to see how the PES2009 would deliver. Going back to the tricks i think they can utilize the buttons with L2 rather than L2 with the LS, i don't know it maybe practicing is all what it needs to get it right on time.