A lot of new thing but they took some nice things out of the 08, very realistic...
A lot of the good features of Fifa 08 I haven't see them on this game and I was expecting to be there.
There are so many new features how to control your player and to customize your team and I love that. The game play it's a little hard to control since it is so realistic.
I hate that you opponent verily touches you and your player loses control and a lot of the time they fell in the ground… wth!!!?
Long passes are hard to make them go where you want them to go and a lot times you have to go look for the ball because the ball wont go exactly to you which I think it cool but not cool at the same time hehe.
The 10 vs. 10 online playing is insane, that's one of the thing I like about this game.
The Adidas play thing I believe it is just a way to get more money from EA Company so I don't even mess with it since you got one for free.
I'm still learning the new way to play this new game, its hard but still fun and challelling.