Not much different to FIFA 08 except the more user friendly menu's and gameplay. Great multiplayer with mates.
The Goalie acts more realistic, and the passing and skills have been perfected. The Game runs smoother than 08, but if you own 08 i wouldn't recommend rushing out to buy 09, the game itself is only a bug free , perfected version of 08. The Character creating and team building is far easier to do than on 08, 08 was a hassle to most to make a player and put him in a team. the 09 interface speeds up transferring players and character creation. The weather and crowd have been perfected and look far better in 09.
If you own a Tv larger than 50' 09 does have smoother graphics for a better HD experience, but that's not to say that 08 doesn't.
The multiplayer on FIFA 09 is enhanced for smoother gameplay and more fun. Playing with mates is a must if you own FIFA 08 or 09. 09 is a blast with mates.