It's not worth getting...It's nearly the same as FIFA 08!
Ok you might say it has the ten man online Be a Pro mode...I was excited by that at first...So I head straight for it....Im in a room with twenty different players...So I'm waiting...and waiting.....and waiting....and waiting....
It has a timer of five minutes and when you have twenty people in a room some ones gonna go somewhere or try and piss off the whole this case he tried to piss us off....and it worked.....we were waiting the whole five minutes and on the 4:55 mark he set himself ready...So you have a match ten minutes long.....but essentially you'll be waiting five minutes before you get anywhere......
The Be a Pro Career mode is pretty cool.....but it DEFINITELY isn't 60€ worth of cool....
My advice is if you're intending buying this game...don't...Buy Fifa 08 instead...You'll save yourself 40€ and you won't be missing out on ANYTHING!
I already had Fifa 08 and I just brought Fifa 09 back...made up a lie and got my money back..And spent it on Far Cry 2....preordered Gears 2....