the game is perfectly designed, the Internet menu is one of a Kind but complicated

User Rating: 9 | FIFA 09: World Class Soccer PS3
the game is perfectly designed, the Internet synchronization is one of a kind but complicated it has a complicated INTERNET menu for young players

the characters are very well graphically introduced and i didn't see much of the tricks as EA already said but still getting there!
some teams are much stronger vs real life but again i can give a more accurate feedback on my last 2 points once i pass the the 30 hours of gaming.
i noticed one more thing, once attacking on wings the last defender (when playing against a PC) will just stand still with no movement or any kind effort to try and get the ball or tackle .
overall its wonderful game especially when playing co-op and the controls are so flexible so you will always find your way around and score!
i think within the coming weeks the online challenges will become a hot spot and last but not least the game was supposed to be introduced properly to the market and i'm talking about the middle east region, i hope such games will be properly introduced
