Gameplay was improved according to EA, but the AI messes up the whole gameplay improvement. Be a Pro makes it up a bit.

User Rating: 2.5 | FIFA Soccer 09 PC
EA announced a highly improved gameplay. And I must say they proved to be right. The gameplay is very good, and as a Fifa-fan I am glad to see a gameplay equal to PES this year.
Also greatly improved is the "Be a pro" mode, especially with the new 3rd person action cam.

It sounds perfect and wonderful, but not quite. The Be a Pro mode should have been worked out more. After you choose a team you are that team for the full 4 seasons, and you have very little to choose for you personal properties. You start with everything at 60, you can't put one on 70 and one on 50.

In the game, there is one problem for both regular play and be a pro. The AI is messing up big time. Deep balls from teammates don't send you deep in the right direction, or not deep at all. Teammates will run in your way, and it looks like you have to do everything, when you are a forward and you don't defend. Don't expect a lot from other forwards from your team, also prepare to get goals against almost every match, even when playing with AC Milan against a team from Coca Cola 2, you players will lose almost every battle for the ball. This is a big disadvantage to the game, it makes realistic playing a lot harder.