well the game in fact is good but the compettions still fell to plastik at the auscense of scenes when u win competition
User Rating: 8 | FIFA 09: World Class Soccer X360
the soundtrack is awesome graphics get better but doesnt hit pes graphics and some teams in real life doesnt play in the afternoon or day must be every wheater open!:/ in fact licenses are good are a lot mexikan league rules but its too televisa and i hate that chain players looks better in fact fifa 2008 was a **** was boring,looks bad,few stadiums,even the sountrack was bad and the publik look like carton but in fifa 2009 everitthing its better the publik now looks decent cantics are the best and the flags and stuff on the publik add more realisim ;) another good stuff is the stadium fiifa 2009 has a bunch of them not licensed but looks like the real one for example the latin staduim looks like el estadio azul from cruz azul even is the home staduim in the game of cruz azul in fact this thing add even more realisim to a fan like me =) but some teams of the mexikan league like amerika,cruz azul,tigres,santos or pachuka dosnt have his own cantiks bad point for that coz this teams are the big ones on the league cant belive even necaxa has his real cantics x) premier league this time looks great so english fans be gratefull and for our argentinian friends i hope someday we can see mora argetinian teams like san lorezo,and even mora latinoamercan clubs we should see the license of colo-colo see ya fellas =)