FIFA 09 might be frustrating at first, but after getting used to the mouse controls you'll want more and more...

User Rating: 9 | FIFA Soccer 09 PC
All right, I'll make it brief: I've been a FIFA fan ever since I got my first FIFA (I'm not sure whether it was '94 or '95). Since then I played EVERY game in the series. I played it at it's glory days of FIFA '98, I played it in it's worse years, like FIFA 2003. So what can I say about FIFA 09? Well, in the past few years every FIFA was like it's predecessor- the gameplay was the same and there were only minor changes from year to year. FIFA 09 is different... I don't know why, but it is different. Yes, the game looks the same as last year, the animations are identical (but there are lots of new ones too), the commentary is the same (still, it feels fresh for some reason) and the menus work the same exact way (they did change the background colour...). FIFA 09 shows us, PC players, that EA still remembers us: the graphics were finally improved, so last years animations finally look cool and the players look realistic than ever. I wish they would remake those annoying replays and it'll be perfect... The new mouse controls are the main feature of this game: I have to say I'm surprised nobody thought of it earlier. The mouse controls aren't perfect, but you feel more in control than with the keyboard. Still there are some annoying things like the trick moves which are still somewhat complicated to execute (still, it is A LOT easier than with just the keyboard), the "run" key is somewhat inconvenient (I think making Spacebar as the "run" key works best- just a tip :-)), but overall, it is really satisfying to send your team-mate on a run without complicated key pressing, but by just hovering your mouse over him, and then giving him the perfect pass to shoot on goal and score... FIFA is back, people!
Here are my grades for the game FIFA 09:
Graphics- 9. Very beautiful, but the consoles still get the better graphics.
Sound- 10. Excellent! The music, the commentary, the voices during the games... Great!
Controls- 8. Innovative, simpler, but still there is a lot to improve!
Longevity- 9. Will keep you busy until FIFA 2010.
Overall- 9. Very good!