8v8 is really fun with a group of mates, but the game looks the same as last year BUT with some good improvments.

User Rating: 9 | FIFA 09: All-Play WII
FIFA 09 has progressed from last year on Wii. Although the 8v8 mode is quite "Cartoony", its still more fun and more faster than the original mode, an addition you can use your Miis! But if there were more teams then 8v8 would be a solid mode.
Be A Pro is still missing in the Wii version, it would of been great on it, which means its the same old game as last year. But the game has its improvments, like how you can now use the GameCube Conroller, for those who are fustrated with using the WiiMote. Freekicks, Passes and Corners look far more better than last year.
Official Data is solid, unlockables are a good addition to the game with alternative jerseys, new game balls and more which makes the game more challenging.
Overall FIFA 09 is perfect for when there are a group of people playing, playing alone is not as quite fun, but still FIFA 09 on Wii is AWESOME. (despite its failure last year with FIFA 08)