Be a Pro is a good improvment to the PSP, its just that the graphics and the gamplay feel the same to last year...

User Rating: 8 | FIFA Soccer 09 PSP
There are many improvments to this game but some were'nt improoved enough. THE GOOD
- Reasonable amount of unlockables, such as 3rd Jerseys and Match Balls
- With more than 350 liscenced teams all in one UMD, it just looks as good as ever
- Be A Pro adds to the many features, so it may last longer
- Soundrack is excellent
- Graphics and Sound are greatly improved
- Most of everything is up to date
- Al is more competitive than ever
- The Football iQ will test you football lovers

- For some reason it looks the same as last year...and maybe the year before that.
- Controls cannot be reconfigured
- You cant create your own player

Overall FIFA 09 is VERY good, this year it beats PES 2009, because of better gameplay, graphics and still has WAY more liscenced teams and leagues, and its more affordable than PES.