EA sports build on with FIFA 08 and polished up the graphics, animations, movements and a lot more. Multi player is greatly improved and very well managed. Sunny days really feel like sunny days and when it rains you really believe that it's raining.This worked very well for me and made this the best FIFA so far. The game play is good to and the learning curve would be around 2 hours before you can move to semi-pro. There are some things that I missed for instance not all the national teams were made correctly and there are very little stadiums in the game . I liked this game very much and it's way better than pro evolution this year that mainly focused on the Champions Leaque and didn't have the best game play. FIFA has brought out a sollid soccer game this year that's the best they made so far.
So yeah, everybody knows that fifa on pc since 06 just suck, so when EA told us that 09 would be "next-gen" with new graphics and new gameplay we all went nuts... I'm afraid to say that EA talks crap the gameplay may be ... Read Full Review
Damn! I don`t know why they love FIFA 09. The gameplay suck big time. Ref. just running around like an idiot. Linesman also stupid. Don`t know how to use the flags. Also the advantage feat. why the advantage feat. is so ... Read Full Review