Gameplay is still just artificial FIFA. Perplexed as to how it is called realistic considering its awful physics.

User Rating: 7 | FIFA 10 X360
In short, FIFA's over-reactive physics engine and the same old fake gameplay keep me from enjoying this game too much. Since I bought it a few weeks ago, it has become the single most frustrating game I have ever played (no exaggeration). Although I think it's better than the past few FIFAs, it's still unsatisfactory in terms of pure football experience. A list of my general complaints follows which, to me, completely invalidates the (inflated) score of 9 given by Gamespot.
The game never seems to know who I'm passing to; players always takes one more touch after I press shoot or pass; the momentum they've implemented causes all player movement to be jilted and ineffective; when you dummy the ball the game never automatically selects the player behind you to receive the ball; the 'keeper never stops a ball that's wide of the goal from going out for a corner; various menu inconsistencies and errors in general.
There are probably more, but I'll stop here. Also I'd just like to point out that it seems like reviewers equate good football games with realism, which in turn they assume is proportional to how awkwardly defenders move on the run. Just sayin that when you push the analogue stick in any direction to even the slightest degree the guy your controlling invests 100 percent of his momentum in that direction and takes forever to turn around. That = bad game.