EA Need shooting

User Rating: 1 | FIFA 10 PC
What can I say, another year another FIFA game. Oh and I use the word game very loosely as this is a port from the ps2 version then dumbed down somewhat in terms of graphics. EA sports year after year rip PC gamers off something fricking awful. We are sick of all the excuses they come up with why the PC version of their fricking FIFA series is so crap on the PC, they say things like piracy is to blame - (bullcrap) and not enough people have got high end machines to run the software - Bullcrap again EA!.

Simple reason why you wank-tanks are churning out crap for PC gamers is because theres not as much profit in it for you low lives as there is on console versions, you are just greedy bastards who want more pay for doing less, you're not bothered about what the game turns out like at all for the PC.

That leaves me with one thing to say, goodbye EA sports and Ea Games, Im no longer buying your dumbed down products anymore no matter what you bring out.