In the first look yes it gets rate 1 to 5 but when you begin playing you will find real score.
I will start with graphic. Graphic is the same of fif09 however there are some minor updates. The grass really is not good and a need for a patch is necessary.
The game play is fantastic both in be a pro and manager mode, when you dip into the play, see the player passing style, interactions, animations think yes thats what i am talking about, thats awesome. Passing is totally improved in comparison with old versions and also goal keeper got a real brain now. The sounds as usual are good. After hours of playing you will ignore the graphics.
Be a pro mode is a fantastic mode and get you up for a some days. Manager mode is not change very much but still is fun to play.
Finally, i think your complains about fifa10 are not right however just in case of graphic are acceptable.