Over Rated.

User Rating: 7 | FIFA 10 PS3
Several reason why this game is so over rated (again) and a few beautiful touches can make the game unique. A game that contains the most official players and leagues is unique. You can play a solo career as your favourite player, or yourself in your favourite team (shame about the glory supporters which make having a fair match almost impossible) disonnections are very frequent and for me I seem to disconnect a hell of a alot when winning and my connection is superb when losing. (Shame, this could just be unique to me, ask around see what people say) The multiplayer is good otherwise, most EA members make it fun and it can be with the right people. Online team play is fun, doesnt count towards your rankings, but is fun and can help improve your skills and playing style.

The worst thing about this game is the reason why people buy Pro Evo. Yes the physics in FIFA10. Pretty much its awful. There is still not enough options for controlling a player. (plus sometimes daft things happen, stupid friendly player collisions, players taking the ball from their own team mate, bad foul calling, running past the ball, catch up physics, etc)

In the end of the day it can be quite fun for an 11 aside game, this is fun and this is why I play, plus the leagues! But it gets frustrating, very cringe worthy frustrating!