The best soccer game on PSP, but you can get better expierence in the console or PC version.

User Rating: 8 | FIFA 10 PSP
When entering the match, I'm surprised by FIFA Soccer 10 for PSP's gorgeous graphics. The player's face, the surface of grass and the environment of stadium look fairly real. Of course, these in consoles are better, but you must take account of PSP's capability. I even believe the graphics of it isn't worse than PS2's due to PSP's smaller screen. You still may connect your PSP with PS2 in the game.

The gameplay is the similar as last year's FIFA and both of them are too easy to challenge. Be A Pro model is enhanced this time, which features National Career. However, the sound effect, for instance, the tackle sound, is weak like its predecessor.

All in all, the FIFA 10 is enhanced on the basis of FIFA 09, but you may get the better experience on the console. I still consider that PSP is fit for soccer games. You'd better play FIFA 10 on the consoles, or pick up PES 2010 in front of your PC screen.

I'll give up all soccer games on PSP, because there are a mass of great games pertaining to other genres on PSP.