The transfer system is more authentic,Players' fatigue is more authentic and realistic"Total Football Experience" is a new feature in which football news around the Manager Mode world will be visible, including player transfers, fixtures and results in foreign leagues.The new "Assistant Manager" will take care of the line-up and rotate the team's squad based on importance of the upcoming match. For example, if the next match is against a low rated team, he will make sure that players that normally are on the bench will play and then
Virtual Pro
"Virtual Pro" allows the player to create a footballer and take him through the four Be-a-Pro seasons, include him in the Manager Mode career, use him in Kick-Off, Tournament, and Lounge mode, as well as using him in the Arena. Game-face has also been added to FIFA 10 as in other EA Sports games, where gamers can create their Game Face on the web at or, then download them into the game. Once a Game Face character is created, he can then be applied to the player in game. Faces can be changed on the web any time. The game-face will be used as the player's avatar in online play. Players can also grow their players attributes and player traits, celebrations, and kit can be unlocked to make the player realistic and unique.