I've always been a PES man, until I played this!
The detail and animation in all of the players are very solid. They move very fluidly and look independent to the rest of the team. The players faces are also very recognizable. Maybe not as much as the latest PES, but you can certainly tell the celebrity sport stars.
The weather effects, shadows etc are all done very well. For example, the rain effects look like rain, unlike Pro Evo where it just seems like there's lines going down the screen. As I have only been playing in the Spanish league, I have yet to see the snow effects, but I have been told that they look very good.
Commentary is a very big part of any sports game and this is done very well. Whereas you may experience a few times where there is a slight delay between you scoring and the commentators saying you have, this only happens very few and far between and, overall, does a very good in keeping up with the play.
I never quite realised how big this game was until I started it, its very big. The league season lasts a very long time, approx 32 games in a regular season, plus European league and the Spanish cup, to get through a season takes commitment. Ontop of the Manager Mode, there's the Virtual Pro Mode, plus different online modes, in other words, there is enough to keep any mad footy fan satisfied for days.
Interms of how the game plays, its very satisfying to score a goal in this game, especially if its quite a way out.
Although I have always defended the Pro Evo series with not having any licenses, I have to say, now that I am playing a fully licensed game, you get a bigger sense of occasion when you win the league or a cup match.
Final Thoughts
Being a Pro Evo fan for almost a decade, I thought it would take alot more than one game to convert me over to the dark side, but here it is, FIFA10.
This is a game where you can get immersed for hours on end, going from match to match and enjoying every minute of it.
When someone said that this was the best soccer game every made, I doubted that comment, but now having played it, I know exactly how he felt.