Fine tweaks on and off the pitch make FIFA 10 the best football game in the series yet

User Rating: 9.5 | FIFA 10 PS3
Stunning visuals, smooth gameplay and an indepth manager and be a pro mode, make fifa 10 the must own football sim of year.
The virtual pro is also a beautiful addition to the game, with the game face being an amazing combination, to form the best create - player yet.

The game play is incredibley smooth, and the players seem to have a far greater range of movement, and smoother passing action than that of its pes counterpart. The range of skill moves is far greater than any other football sim

The online is the greatest in the series yet, and there is little to no lagging or connection issues. The only issue being online is the "be a pro" with other players playing in defence going to attacking glory.

The only things improvable would be:
Some of the player faces
And maybe the player development in the manager mode
More Reds being shown for one on one keeper fouls

Apart from that its a pretty flawless football sim.