This latest FIFA game on the PS2 and will make you wish you had the PS3 version
Same as last year, and the year before, and the year befor, and so on. Some players lookk very similar, some look just plain awful. Great looking stadiums and the very occasional glitch. It's all OK
SOUND - 7/10
Commentary can be a bit annoying, but you can get used to it easily. Crowd can over-exaggerate sometimes but again, you will get used to it easily. It's fine, no problems, but nothing vey good.
Same as last year. Manager Mode is boring, and has a bug, which freezes after 2 seasons. New 'Season Mode' for those who just want to pick up and play and not worry about Manager Mode features
New Be A Pro is pretty cool at first, but just get's boring and annoying. It says on the back cover you can play in the World Cup but you dont. Very frustrating after a boring season. Thanks agaiin FIFA!
You will easily get used to the difficulty. Teams become boring to play against. Legendary mode will not be easy at first, but after a few games, it will be so easy.
New goalkeeper control, crossing system and handball rule is just making you wanna run for a copy of FIFA 10 on PS3
OVERALL - 7/10
Been there, done that, get it on PS3 or 360, nuf' said!