
User Rating: 9 | FIFA 10 X360

well another fifa game can it be as good? can it be better? can it live up to the hype?

yes! yes! and yes again for me

brilliant game play in any mode

love the manager mode always have and think i always will, this one seems better, transfers are a bit better with more info on the players feeling for joing you and great to play with your built squad

be a pro is just fantastis but hard to get into the game at times and very easy to build your player up to national captain, shame there isnt a international tournament for you to play in only freindlies which is a bit boring.

create yourself and make him into a superstar...can be long winded but great achiements and play make this game an all time classic and just as good if not better the its predicessors

buy and enjoy you will not be dissapointed