Great game overall, but it's not quite a 10.

User Rating: 9 | FIFA 10 X360
This is definitely the best FIFA game I have ever played. However, there's still room for improvement. Here's a list of my pros and cons.

1. Lots of characters, leagues, game types, options, etc. The game is very in depth.
2. Overall gameplay is very good. Passing, shooting, defense, player control, etc. are all a step better than previous games
3. Less flaws in general than previous FIFA games.
4. Goalies saves and misses seem to be more realistic than previous versions.

1. Fouls on the computer are sometimes horribly inconsistent (just like in previous FIFA games). Sometimes the game does a great job, but other times I'm amazed at how the game missed a certain call.
2. Online play is good, but too often I have connection problems with the other player and it's not my internet (20 MB).
3. Pretty easy. I play on legendary all the time and rarely lose a game.

Overall, FIFA 10 is a great game! I would highly recommend it to any soccer fan or sports game fan. There's still some work to be done to make the game "complete", but EA has been taking small steps forward with each release.