Worst Game Ever
So, the main thing i hate about this game is that it has to cheat in order to be better on world class difficulty. I don't understand why i have to make 5 good tackles before the ball finally bounces to me. And i don't understand why it's forbidden to score with the post. I mean, i counted 30 consecutive posts before i scored a goal with the post. And, of course, the referee is clearly the opponent's 12th player. Sometimes he sees fault when i don't even touch the keyboard. And your players are so dumb, sometimes the ball hits them and because you don't control them they don't do anything. And i don't know, maybe EA thinks i don't see that sometimes when i pass the ball to another player, he first gets even further from the ball, so the opponent gets to the ball first.
Plus that now you can't choose the pass power (actually you can set the game to do this but it's a mess) so the computer should choose the perfect power...but it doesn't, sometimes your players almost shot one another when passing.Another annoying thing is that in friendly matches you have less substitutes available. And also the game simply can't memorize your substitutes, you put some players on the bench and in the next match the game puts other players as substitutes. Plus that i found a lot of bugs.
So, really, after all i wrote here i think it's clear that this game is a real candidate to the worst game ever.