Its good its addictive its fun.
the graphics are the same as last year but at least they changed contact so when u slide tackle there is different ways of collision.
SOUND - 8/10
sound is good crowd is louder commentary gets more crazier than before.
for those of u that agree with backincrack that manager mode freezes i done manager mode for upto 8 seasons but then it went corrupted cause the ps2 switched off while it was savin the game.the new collision system is good.1 thing thats weird is the long range shots when i first got fifa 10 i went to kickoff vidic had the ball i was controllin him in my own half close to the half way line just held L1 and pressed o and the ball went into my opponents box bounced right infront of the goalie and vidic had scored then not to mention on manager mode my created player who is 99 overall i took a shot with him just inside arsenals half cause i was losin 1-0 so i took a shot it went in.
another improved thing for me is ball control it was a long freekick no wall me as man u my opponents man city in kickoff mode ferdinand i made him blast the ball to the wing hopin some one would get there and berbatov did he got the ball in mid air didnt let the ball bounce crossed it and scholes outside the box i made him take a shot off a volley cause i like taken volley shots and long shots and he scored and the ball didnt bounce from the start of the freeckick till it hit the back of the net.1 bad thing in the game is if u create a player u can make overall 1 or 99 if u go to edit players in the team management menus u can make any player as high or low as u want really.
good game wrth getting but i might suggest a ps3 or xbox if u want better graphics and more features.
thanks for readin im new on gamespot joined april 15th 2010 and im already level 3.