I have the console version, now for the portable one.
If you have played the console version of FIFA 10, then the music will be very familiar to you. The commentary is slightly different, but still just as good. I had been used to getting absolutely no commentary on PES 06, now this is filled with commentary and very good at that.
Usually when you score a goal in soccer the crowd gets alot louder, but I found with this game that the crowd goes completely quiet, to the point where sometimes I think the goal didn't happen at all. Apart from this small thing, I have no issues with the sound in this game.
This is where I have a few issues. I have played many a game on the PSP where the graphics shine, however FIFA 10 is not one of them.
The refs in this game look like they've been sucking on lemons their entire life, they look quite odd. Ears don't seem to be a regular feature in the FIFA 10 world either, they look like bumps on the side of ones head. The players don't look much like their real life counter parts either. I know that the PSP won't have the same processing power as the PS3 version, but graphics don't seem to be this games strong suit.
The angle of the pitch is something I had to get used to also, it doesn't seem to be at the normal 45-ish degree angle, its more like 35 degrees.
The side line at the top of the screen seems very far away, the players seem to be quite small and hard to get a perspective.
None of these issues spoil the game, but they do take some getting used to and could be improved.
As with its console brethren, this game is quite big. There are many game modes to keep you busy, normal season mode, manager mode, Be a Pro mode etc. These are all quite indepth and can while away quite a few hours, as I have discovered today (6 hours and counting) .
The gameplay is quite different to the portable PES game that I was used to, there is more to it than running down the end of the pitch and shooting. The players seem alot more independent and real. The actual gameplay seems alot more flashy aswell. I found myself creating quite a few great plays, like crossing into the middle alot more, doing more through passes to cut through the defense, all of these aspects are alot more enjoyable and more real than the PES experience I'm used to.
I'm just going through the manager mode and there are more real life scenarios than its console counter part, like players being called away to represent their country, players needing to be included into the starting line-up to improve morale, all good things to make the game more immersive.
I'd just like to mention a couple of things about the AI aswell. I've played alot of FIFA 10 on the PS3 and alot of soccer games overall in my time, and I struggle to find a time when there has been a foul for handball. So far in just over 10 hours of play, I've seen about a dozen fouls for that reason, twice in one game by the opponent as they kicked off. The second thing is the goalkeepers seem overly aggressive and can contribute to a teams downfall. My goalkeeper has caused quite a few penalties and in one case got sent off. I've never seen these in other soccer games and it does cause quite abit of frustration, especially when there's a foul for handball and you see the replay and it never came close to touching the hand.
Final Thoughts
The gameplay in this is very addictive, and with the added benefit of licenses and good commentary, this means that PES falls even further behind the 8 ball.
Although this is a massive selling point and is probably the best portable soccer game for gameplay, the graphics dept need a massive improvement. The score of 8, which I have given, is a very solid 8, it is a great soccer game and highly addictive. A very good purchase to get your soccer fix, but not the best graphically and has a few AI issues.